Some day’s life just takes you back to the way things used to be, well this week it was the dog that took me back by chewing my phone charger into some very small unusable and un-saveable bits. Don’t you just love them!! At this stage I think I named him well, Conan as in the destroyer because he did just love to chew as a puppy, and I have my suspicions about who finished the almonds too, who ever heard of a dog with a thing for nuts?
But I digress!! So without a phone the last 3 days it’s reminded me how relaxing it can be to have your own space and time in which people can’t get hold of you. Working quietly away in my workshop undisturbed all day has been wonderful, and now I plan to leave my phone anywhere but in the workshop when I really want to get down to some serious making and designing, I’ll just check my phone in my tea breaks if I remember ;-) I’d say I’m sorry for all the missed calls but I won’t be. I’m just adopting the philosophy of the area I live in, I’ll get to it directly.
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