Saturday, 18 February 2012

Resin from Nature! Helping the Bees & Butterflies

So I’ve been watching the BBC programme Bees, Butterflies & Blooms and how it is believed the decline in our wild flowers is causing the decline in out pollinating insects.  Personally I love wild flowers and the fact my less than tidy garden allows wild flowers to grow in the garden is just perfect, well in my considered opinion!

So today I read about a new sort of resin made from a natural ingredient base (ecopoxycraftresin) including beans & peanuts – makes it sound like a curry! It is a wonderful step forward in making resin jewellery as it is a move towards a renewable source of resin even if it does sound a bit like a recipe for tonight’s tea. Plus with these being plant material bases it just means we’re going to have to help those pollinating insects by encouraging wild flowers for them!

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